The Good Ol' Days
Remember the time when you could go anywhere as a child, on a bike or a walk, with friends and loved ones, and not really worry about whats around you or what could happen. Remember when you could ride your bike to your friends house and tell your parents you'd be home before it got dark, and you did? What is something you're worried about as an adult now, if you have children? I want to be able to feel comfortable and safe letting my kids be kids and not be terrified of something terrible happening to them. I asked my parents if they worried about me when I was young, like we worry today about our kids. And I was told, No they didn't worry too much about me. Me and my ex husband (yes I"m divorced) lost our oldest at the San Diego Zoo when he was 5. And it was the longest 7 minutes of my entire life.Your mind freezes, and it's almost like everything became scared to help us. I remember being asked "well what was he wearing?" All I could say was "C...