In The Begining

 I don't know how far back I want to go, but there does need to be an introduction to me and who I am and why I am who I am, blah blah blah.

So super quick, I was born, I was raised, I graduated high school, I married my childhood sweetheart, had two boys after 10 years of infertility, we got divorced after 16 years and two kids, I work as a LMT, and live back with my parents.........

Now those are all stories in and of their own - one day I will share them all.

But here I am now..... Turning 40 this October and I do really still live with my parents, because the economy sucks, and oh yeah like I mentioned - I'm divorced - and raising two humans alone is hard. Okay I don't raise them alone, their dad is still involved in their lives. Also, I suffered a shoulder injury in August of last year and I've been out of work due to that. So yeah the bills added up and the money wasn't flowing in, so I did end up back at my parents house. 

And what have I learned?

Grandparents really love their grandchildren - more so when they leave and come to visit!


But really it's a little true!

No, what I learned is - I"m so grateful to have loving and supportive parents who took me back in even when they didn't have to, but they could. One day I will leave, we will leave, and return and come back to visit and the grandparents will love their grandchildren again (HAHA) it is a little funny.

Okay now for the real reason I'm here..... I want to give advice and receive feed back. I want to be a friend to those far away from me, and even close to me. I want to help in any way that I can. If that means to just be someone who writes silly stories, but they hit home for someone and they finally realize they aren't alone. That's what I want. 

Oh and I also love to shop and I give great reviews and help others find what they are looking for is fashion. NO I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm doing it. 

Lots of Love,
ShanaMyLee <---- that is another story :) 


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